Cat Balco's colorful mandala-like paintings suggest centripetal motion and radiate energy. They’re thrilling to look at as beautiful abstractions, and at closer viewing her expressive paint strokes appear to have depth due to her subtle use of shadow—a skill she developed from her time as a tromp l’oeil painter—and they start to feel like depictions of objects or environments that can’t quite be placed. Her paintings call to mind a disparate array of associations that seem somehow to be connected such as stars, suns, industrial machinery, instruments of torture, carnival wheels, female genitalia, and religious iconography.
You can view Cat's paintings in person in Get Loose, an exhibition at Rick Wester Fine Art in New York City featuring Cat Balco, Ben Godward, and Jason Rohlf through August 3rd.
Follow Cat on Instagram: @catbalco
And visit her website:
Cat Balco, Om Halt, acrylic and flashe on canvas, 48" x 48," 2017
Cat Balco, Lunch Flower, acrylic and flashe on canvas, 48" x 48," 2017
Cat Balco, School Sun, acrylic on canvas, 18" x 18," 2018
Cat Balco, Loop Weave, Latex on Wallboard, 15' x 80,' 2010
Another angle of Cat Balco's Loop Weave.